Rapport is the ability to be on the same wavelength with the interlocutor and connect with the interlocutor mentally and emotionally.
It is the ability to join people where they are, to build trust and respect. Establishing rapport does not mean that you have to agree with something unconditionally, but that you understand the point of view of the interlocutor.
Rapor as a philosophy of our work
The report works best when the philosophy is adopted, i.e. the way we establish cooperation with others and the way we constantly perform work, unlike the report as a technique during a sales meeting or solving a problem.
Rapport - the key to building trust and influencing others
Rapport is established when the interlocutors understand each other's points of view, when they respect each other's feelings and when they are on the same wavelength. If we feel that we are understood, we give people our trust and open up to them more easily. Therefore, rapport is the key to our influencing others, and it begins the moment we understand the point of view of the interlocutor, their position and style of communication, and when we are able to see things from the perspective of others, and also to accept their differences.
People are generally more receptive to messages sent by someone who is "similar" to us, who is like us, who understands us. That's why our primary goal at the beginning of every relationship/conversation should be to establish rapport. This especially applies to the business environment, where you need to influence your associates and colleagues on a daily basis.
The definition of rapport reveals why building rapport is important:
"Rapport is an emotional connection or a friendly relationship based on mutual liking and trust and the feeling that wishes, needs and preoccupations are mutually respected."
By establishing such a relationship, many interpersonal barriers will simply disappear, which will enable better communication and better business results. The feeling will be created that the other person is like ourselves.
Verbal and non-verbal communication
Words contribute the least in establishing rapport as a technique. We create rapport with a "dance" of harmonizing movements that include body position and movements, facial expression, then eye contact, tone/tone of voice and breathing.
It is known that if there is a mismatch between what we say and what our body is saying, we believe more what our eyes see than what our ears hear. In this context, rapport should be established at the very beginning of the conversation, with physical signs of relaxation and openness, and by showing that someone is welcome.
As banal as it may seem to talk about the importance of a smile, it is certainly one of the key factors in building rapport, so don't underestimate it.
The tone/color of our voice is another factor that we should pay attention to when establishing rapport. We can change our voice, i.e. its level/sharpness (high/low), then the volume of the voice (how strong or soft it is) and the speed at which we speak. If you speak quickly and forcefully, while still raising your voice level, you will sound tense and stressed. If you create a voice that is lower in pitch, slower and softer, you will create a rapport much easier and faster. More about tone of voice at the link.
Of course, in order for the other party to get the impression that we are speaking the same language, it is necessary to harmonize the words (predicates) that we use in communication with the other person.